Thomas Edison's Secret Lab

Thomas Edison's Secret Lab

Thomas Edison's Secret Lab

36 Episodes
MPAA Rating
G – General Audiences

Unknown to the world, Thomas Edison built a secret lab where he invented a virtual version of himself and a robot named Von Bolt. With Edison as their guide, Angie and friends JD, Kent and Nicky set out to explore the fascinating world of science!


Designed to teach children about science and technology, Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab introduces viewers to four extremely bright, curious, and adventuresome 12-year-olds – and their mentor, a virtual Thomas Edison. In each episode the young proto-scientists use science to thwart criminals, avert disaster, and pursue a wide array of amazing adventures.  Mr. Edison functions as guide and mentor, advising and encouraging, but never solving their problems.

Each episode uncovers an array of scientific facts (e.g., why a compass needle points north; how a fossil is formed; how to distinguish among different minerals), as well as how those facts can be gathered, and how they can be put to use to solve whatever problem/crisis/disaster the Edison kids face at the moment.  Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab is designed to teach young viewers scientific facts, by making it fun, exciting, relevant to their immediate lives … and most of all, cool.

Want to help?

  • Watch with your child and talk about what you have seen; ask them to explain one of the episode’s concepts to you.
  • If an episode contained a “hands-on” demonstration (e.g., how to build a basic compass; how to make a fossil), encourage young viewers to carry out the “experiments” themselves.
  • Ask young viewers whether they have encountered topics/issues similar to those portrayed in a given episode in the classroom.
  • Encourage young viewers to visit the Thomas Edison’s Secret Lab website and to try out some of its features.
  • Take you child to visit a local museum, aquarium, or zoo.
  • Household activities such as cooking, gardening, and home repairs can easily become at-home science projects; invite your child to participate and talk about the “science” in them.
Traditional (7 - 25 minutes)
9 - 11
Traditional (7 - 25 minutes)
9 - 11

Season 1

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